Under 8s get together at Severnlea

School funding reform should be top priority.

On Thursday, September 20, Severnlea will be hosting the Under 8s Day.
The aim of the day is to connect students with learning and to engage in a number of hands on activities. Teachers and teacher aides on the day will be running fun activities to promote learning as well as mixing with other students and making new friends.
All Children from Stanthorpe are invited to attend. Students from Ballandean, Glen Aplin and Wallangarra will also be attending on this day. The day will begin at 9:30am and will finish around 12:30 for lunch. Morning tea will be provided for all parents and helpers.
Severnlea students would like to thank everyone who dropped Woolworths stickers into the box at the shops, and also for those who posted theirs in. The students are all really excited by the amount received and for all the new resources that can now be purchase. Thanks again to all supporters of Severnlea State School.
The Year 7 students are busily creating their masterpiece of a bridge made entirely out of spaghetti for next week’s competition. After that the students will then be moving onto competing in the multimedia competition. Students will also be preparing for the Under 8s Day in organising a number of activities. When it is added to our commitment to explicit teaching of Number Facts, Reading and Spelling it is going to be a busy last few weeks for many students.
Students have contributed to putting together Christmas boxes. These boxes will be sent overseas and given as presents at Christmas to children who are in poor or disadvantaged places around the world. The students at Severnlea have taken great pride in putting together these gifts for children and everyone is proud of their involvement and commitment.