Adventures not for sissies

Ordinarily, you may not see them as you go about your daily business – Curves members, that is – but this September you may see them plenty – and doing things you’d least expect.
Jumping out of planes, lifting cars, towing semis, and even playing tug-of-war with elephants. These are just some of the adventures that Curves members participate in during Curves’ annual Not For Sissies celebration.
Beginning September 4 through September 18, Curves members will be showing Warwick residents that through the strength they’ve gained at Curves, they have no limits.
And to prove it, Curves of Warwick will give all non-members who come in to the club September 4-18 a free 30 day membership so they can see for themselves that Curves is not for sissies.
“Not For Sissies is such a fun event for us each year,” said Sue Ferguson, Part Owner,
“Our members love to get out into the community and do things they’ve never done, whether it’s something really adventurous like zip-lining or hiking, or something more sedate like volunteering on a homebuilding project or gardening. What feeling strong and having no limits means to each one of us is such a personal thing, and Not For Sissies is about challenging you rather than comparing yourself to others. It’s very empowering.”
In addition to individual challenges that Curves members will be pledging to do, Curves of Warwick is organizing a group “No Limits” event, scheduled for Tuesday, September 18, at 10am.  The event is open to the public and non-members are invited to participate. Walk on mass from Curves up Weewondilla Hill and back to Curves around the River.
For more information about Not For Sissies, the “No Limits” event, or how to get your free 30 day membership, contact Curves of Warwick at 466 14892 or come in to the club, located at Level 1/95 Palmerin Street, Warwick.