Doesn’t matter who

Those who have been out and about collecting signatures to force a referendum on de-amalgamation have been working over time to achieve their goal. It looks like they may have achieved the “magic” number to get their long awaited referendum. I imagine the lead up to any referendum will be fraught with much propaganda from both sides. There is no way that the “higher powers” will sit idly by and see their high paid jobs on the enlarged councils threatened. We will hear much about the cost of de-amalgamation and when the rate payers realize it could mean higher rates, the voters will stick with the devil they know.
However, de-amalgamation is NOT the real issue. It matters little who is running the council. What is of concern is what they do and the rules and regulations they are implementing. We are over burdened with all kinds of needless restrictions and government at all levels pride themselves on how many NEW laws they implement.
The time and energies of the petition gatherers could have been better spent campaigning against burdensome government at every level.
Indeed, everything could be run from Canberra with a few basic laws after about 90% of the present ones were abolished and we could have the best system ever but that is unlikely as tyranny ever grows and NEVER diminishes.

Jay Nauss
Glen A