A Toast to the Masters

50th president of the Stanthorpe Toastmasters Club, Logan Steele, receives the honour board from District 69 Past District Governor Bruce George. Photos: Samantha Wantling.

50 years ago Gough Whitlam become our 21st Prime Minister, and a young 15-year-old girl by the name of Shane Gould won three gold medals, a silver medal and a bronze at the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich and later that year went on to be named Australian of the Year.

That same year John De Roo, a Stanthorpe accountant, became the first Stanthorpe Toastmasters president and its driving force for many years.

Stanthorpe Today manger Samantha Wantling was lucky enough to attend the 50th birthday celebrations for Stanthorpe Toastmasters on Saturday night.