Three… bird sightings in the region

This week we're taking a nature stroll through the Southern Downs and sighting three birds in the region.

This week we’re taking a nature stroll through the Southern Downs and sighting three birds in the region.

1- Laughing Kookaburra

With a recognisable and distinctive laugh, this species common name is the Laughing Kookaburra. It’s usually heard and seen in parks, towns, forests and camping grounds. According to eBird, the cheeky native has been observed over 3170 times with the last sighting on 9 October in Girraween.

2- White-throated Treecreeper

The White-throated Treecreeper literally does just that, up the trunk of a tree. This bird is commonly found in wet forest areas and has been observed over 2500 times with the last sighting at Girraween National Park on 1 October.

3- Painted Honeyeater

The Painted Honeyeater was last seen at the Durikai State Forest on 3 September 2017. It calls out with a distinct sound, ‘sue-see sue-see sue-see’. There have only ever been four sightings of the Painted Honeyeater within the Southern Downs.