Awash with disasters

Of late, it seems that the world is awash with disasters; war in the Middle East, quakes in New Zealand and now Japan.
The aftershocks were still rumbling when our “generous” Prime Minister promised all sorts of aid to Japan. It was only weeks ago that we experienced a massive disaster in Queensland and the Gillard regime was slow in getting off the mark to bring help to the beleaguered state.
To pay for the re-building of Queensland, the best that Julia could come up with was a special flood levy. Senator Xenophon had the casting vote and he linked it to the states taking out disaster insurance. It would have been more patriotic if he had insisted that we cut foreign aid and other ad hoc giveaways until we had re-built our own devastated land.
With people like these running the country, is it any wonder that Pauline Hanson is getting so much support in her bid for a seat in the NSW Parliament?

Jay Nauss,
Glen Aplin