Fruit arrive on ice in 1957

One of the entries in the 1957 Apple Blossom Festival parade on Maryland Street, Stanthorpe. The float was organised by the COD (Committee of direction of fruit marketing) float. In 1966, the festival was renamed the Stanthorpe Apple & Grape Harvest Festival. Photo taken by William Jolly.

January 1

• Fruit in iced wagon arrives in good condition

The special consignment of fruit forwarded in a new type of iced wagon to Townsville and Cairns arrived in good condition after being railed over 1000 miles. The fruit was a consignment of stone fruit from the Granite Belt and the experiment was to test a new type of wagon which had been used in the United States

• Ban on interstate patients

Queensland Hospital Board refuses to treat patients from Liston, Amosfield, and small towns across NSW border (free treatment in Queensland but not in NSW)

January 15

• Air services reduced to twice weekly

Queensland Airlines has advised agent that services between Brisbane, Stanthorpe, and Goondiwindi have been reduced from three per week to two per week and will now operate on Mondays and Saturdays. Adverse weather, unreliable aerodrome at Goondwindi and lack of support at Stanthorpe and rise in operating costs are the cause

January 22

• Address on newspaper ethics- Thomas Thompson

“The press is not a separate entity operating in a community by virtue of some beneficient authorisation. It is a function of the community as indispensable a part of the community’s machinery as the hospital system, the fire brigade, or the water board. No community free or regimented can exist without some means of distributing the information which the individual must know before he can make the day to day adjustment required for harmonious living together.“

• Granny Christiensen is 102

january 24

• Mr Neil Sullivan elected President of Stanthorpe Rugby League

• Stanthorpe Aerodrome surface

The Stanthorpe Shire Council does not accept the criticism made of Stanthorpe Aerodrome by officials of the Civil Aviation Department

February 5

• Stanthorpe stages successful 77th annual show

February 12

• Stanthorpe Apex Charter Night

February 26

• Tribute to Border Post (FA Rogers)

February 28

• Border Post changes ownership

March 7

• Sale of Pikedale to Major Harold Rubin by Rogerson Family

March 12

• Mr Stan Halloran new president of tennis association

March 19

• Collision at Whisky Gully brings car fatalities to five in a fortnight

• The delicious apple by M. A. Hannigan (200,000 cases a year from the Granite Belt)

March 26

• Stolen cars, crashes and a man hunt

• Air service to Stanthorpe discussion

March 20

• Man hunt for car thieves

April 4

• Development League crumbles through public apathy

Average attendance at meeting is 6, main venture was to beautify streets by planting trees and shrubs on footpaths, established 6 years prior

April 30

• Reduction in air service

Queensland Airlines to discontinue Saturday service

• Barry and Roberts Self Service store opens

300 people waited outside the store, it was the first to adopt self-service methods

May 7

• Stanthorpe forms Queensland Labor Party Branch

• Former St. Catherine’s School for Girls residential building destroyed by fire

St. Catherine’s School closed in 1936, with a large school room moved to Warwick and amalgamated with St. Catherine’s there.

May 26

• New ALP branch officially formed in Stanthorpe

May 30

• Laying of Church of England foundation stone (Memorial Parish Church of St. Paul’s) by Archbishop Halse

June 6

• Cr F.A. Rogers selected as Country Party Candidate

• Wallangarra School of Arts to be officially opened

June 11

• Stanthorpe’s largest political meeting for many years

Minister for Land, PJR Hilton, addresses the meeting at The Rex

June 13

• Naturalisation Ceremony sets record

48 migrants comprising 18 women and 30 men were administered the oath of allegiance in the open air ceremony in the Stanthorpe Park on Thursday, June 6.

This number was the greatest to be naturalised in one ceremony outside the metropolitan area.

Cr. Rogers said the ceremony was not significant because of this but because this district will give these people security and settlement.

Hon PJR Hilton, Minister for Lands and Irrigation: “They did not ask these people to eliminate all affection for the land of their birth from their hearts, but they desired them to assimilate well into their own way of life here.

“I know you will play your part nobly and well. Since the Second World War, more than 100,000 migrants have been admitted to Australia and many had gone on the the land in this district and are helping to develop this country.“

June 25

• DGT Gow- endorsed ALP candidate for Carnarvon

July 2

• Prospectus of Iona Enterprises

• Liberal donation to new church

Presbyterians vote to process with new church

July 11

• Cr F.A. Rogers opens campaign in Stanthorpe

July 15

• Three nominations for Carnarvon

Paul Jerome Regumus Hilton (ALP), Douglas George Gow (QLP), Frederick Arthur Rogers (CP)

• Mr Hilton has record political meeting at Wallangarra

July 23

• Sir Arthur Fadden, Acting Prime Minister, addresses Carnarvon Electors

July 30

• DSGC decides to establish stone fruit nursery

• Political meetings draw big crowds

QLD help a meeting at Finney’s Corner, ALP outside Vic Thompson’s Sports Store

August 6

• Mr Hilton retains Carnarvon seat

As a result of the Queensland State elections, there will be a change of government with the Liberal-Country Party in power. In Carnarvon, the sitting member and Minister for Lands and irrigation in the Gair Labour Government, Mr Hilton, has been returned. Mr Hilton was able to maintain his strong hold on all the main voting centres in the electorate with the exception of Goondiwindi where the split was most evident. The majority of the sitting members was reduced from 2088 in 1953 to 1520 in 1956 and it was confidently expected that this would be a change of representation this time. The intrusion of the sectarian issues brought considerable condemnation and in the end benefited Mr Hilton who was regarded as a victim of it.

August 20

• The pea crop at Stanthorpe- A.R. Carr

August 27

• Champion Rugby League Schoolboys Team (Greg Thouard, R. Brunckhorst, J Tonkins)

September 3

• Local army depot to close

Due to reduced flow of national service men and low voluntary enlistments, the local army depot is to close. Training centre was used for platoon of A Company of 25th Bn. Attributed to keenness of Australian youth for sport, which clashed with training nights.

September 19

• Baptist Church stump capping ceremony

• Rockets bought for next season

700 rockets, 100 silver iodide rockets, one case of high altitude rockets

• Brilliant Aurora Australis observed in Stanthorpe

September 25

• Bushfires in district

October 3

• More fires in district

October 8:

• Stanthorpe locals see Russian satellite

• Third Apple Blossom Festival

• Ram Chandra; Miss Leone Murphy, Ballandean, 13-year-old Australian Junior and Queensland Ladies Champion, to play New Zealand table tennis champion at Methodist Hall

October 22

• The Southern Cross in Stanthorpe

• Swimming pool opened at Applethorpe

November 12

• Kindergarten for Stanthorpe- public meeting

Kindergarten conducted by Jean Chauvel to close at the end of the year

November 19

• Public Kindergarten to be formed

• Croston Studios open fine modern premises

November 26

• Thursday’s Naturalisation Ceremony sees 48 candidates naturalised

December 3

• 46 naturalised at Stanthorpe Park ceremony

Since October, 1954, when naturalised ceremonies controlled by local government authorities, Cr. Fred Rogers administered oath of allegiance to 145 candidates up to 5 December 1957 in eight ceremonies. This Council considered at least equals to any other country town in Queensland.

December 12:

• Committee formed to investigate swimming baths

December 31

• Driest year on record (1400 points)