Centenary show in 1959

Gwen Furness (now Gwen Gloynes), the 1959 Apple Blossom Queen.

January 2

• Stanthorpe Shire production statistics released

January 6

• Danger in damp hail rockets

• Heavy hail damage at Amiens

January 8

• Cost of living spiral continues

January 13

• Gillian Wright- Stanthorpe Girl wins Lilley medal

January 22

• Governors visit Stanthorpe

His Excellency, the Governor of Queensland, Col Sir Henry Abel Smith KCVO and Lady May Abel Smith visited Stanthorpe on Friday, February 6, when he officially opened the Centenary Show.

• Big dam bursts in Ruby Creek; flooding in town

An old dredging dam at Ruby Creek, estimated to be about one-fifth the size of SKD, burst overnight and caused flooding in the lower parts of Stanthorpe. Water lapped Carnarvon Bridge in Stanthorpe and flooded over the top of the rails on the McGregor Bridge. Biggest flooding since 1928.

January 27

• M. Ferguson tractor demonstration

Field day at Mr. Chas Ferguson’s, Applethorpe

February 5

• St John Pratt Memorial Gates officially opened at Showground

• DDT best for codling moth

February 10

• Stanthorpe Centenary Show

Large crowds attend both days- fruit display outstanding- Civic Welcome to Governor

February 12

• Retiring Ambulance Superintendent Honoured (Mr. F. Thorpe)

February 19

• Obituary: Stanley William Pierpoint

February 24

• Public meets town planner

Over 50 people attended a public meeting in the Shire Chambers on Thursday night to discuss the draft town plan with the town planner

March 10

• Olympic swimming pool to be investigated

• Fire at Wallangarra

Sgts and other officers mess and cookhouse at no 5 COD Army Depot, Wallangarra completely destoryed by fire

• G.R. Koina & Sons new modern premises

March 19

• Fierce hail storm lashes Granite Belt- damage estimated at £150,000

A devastating hail storm accompanied by high winds, lashed the apple and grape growing areas of the Granite Belt late on Tuesday night and caused damage estimated at £150,000. The storm lasted for no more than half an hour and losses from 25 per cent to 100 per cent were reported. Hail up to 18 inches deep lay on the roadside and in orchards near The Summit and Thulimbah until late yesterday (Wednesday) afternoon. Path extended from Dalveen to Ballandean.

March 24

• Proposed high school site

April 28

• Italian Festival in Stanthorpe

St Joseph’s- albero della cuccagna (slippery pole), bocce, pignatte, pesca

Feast of St Joseph the Worker

Fr. Anastasio, a cappachin priest from Sydney to bless the tractors and trucks of farmers. Procession will wend its way around a few streets.

April 30

• Texas Hall disaster appeal fund

May 7

• Apple Blossom Week and Centenary Celebrations to be continued

• Ballandean State School Golden Jubilee

May 14

• Ballandean State School first seven pupils return

May 21

• Strange object seen in sky at Dalcouth

June 2

• 50 to be naturalised on Tuesday (total of 207 since October, 1954)

June 9

• 44 Naturalised in ceremony in Rex Theatre

• Immigration Week- part of Queensland’s Centenary Year

June 23

• Stanthorpe Cyclist Again

Tom Callan, second in 30 mile road race after riding to Ipswich to compete (ten hour trip) arrived 11am. 3:30pm started road race. Failed to win the race by a margin of 6 inches. 42 years of age in three months time.

June 30

• Members of Toowoomba RSL Lecture on Civil Defence in the even of an atomic attack

July 23

• Granite Belt shivers in icy blast

July 28

• Snow, sleet, and winds lash Granite Belt

August 27

• Sliced bread comes to Stanthorpe

Glasgow Baker (N & E.A. Kavanagh) have shown considerable enterprise to bring this modern facility to the town and district

September 3

• Council going ahead with Civic Centre Planning

October 1

• Apple Blossom Festival Week- Queensland Centenary Year

October 13

• Miss Apple Blossom Queen- 1959

• Dog stole show in procession- Bill Clancy and Alsatian

October 15

• Tom Callan raised £100 for ambulance

Rode for two and a half ours on rollers in Maryland Street

October 20

• Dedication of New Memorial Parish Church of St. Paul

• Shire Chairman & The Press

Keeping of Alsatian dog in the town (Stanthorpe’s ’Bailiff’ – W.J. Clancy)

October 22

• Special meeting on Civic Centre

October 27

• Minister promises high school within two years

• Methodist 85th anniversary

• Last services in Old St. Paul’s (established 1905)

November 3

• St. Paul’s Memorial Church dedicated

November 5

• Excellent television reception

On Monday night a representative of the Border Post witnessed the opening of the ABC National Television station ABQ Channel 2 at the resident of Max Vincent, Stanton Street on an AWA 21 inch set. (local manager of RDS Pty Ltd)

• Catholic priest for Wallangarra – Rev Fr E. Brian O’Dwyer

November 10

• Charles Chauvel on television

Australian walkabout

November 12

• Sudden death of Charles Chauvel

November 17

• Tragic death of Brian Pidgeon

November 24

• Back to Eukey week

• Life membership for Tom Callan

December 1

• School of Arts & Civic Centre

• Rainfall a record

December 17

• Diesel fruit train for Granite Belt

• Messrs Martin Wilton & Sons architect for Civic Centre