Happy 100th birthday

Students at the Summit State School. Photos: Samantha Wantling.

By Samantha Wantling

The Summit State School recently celebrated it’s 100 year anniversary (belatedly).

Established in 1921, the Summit State School aims to provide high quality education to assist students to develop a love of learning and a sense of responsibility, and to understand the past and prepare to embrace the future.

It is an appealing, well-presented school, located 12 kilometers north of Stanthorpe, behind The Summit Bowls Club.

Our school features two multi-age classes supported by professional, qualified teachers.

Multi-age groupings enable children to work at their full capacity.

If necessary, a child may be integrated into a level that will build confidence and self-esteem which leads to improved performance.

Students receive additional support from our experienced teacher aides.

The school also offers extra-curricular activities such as Instrumental Music.

Integrated studies can involve a number of subject areas including Science, Technology, Social Science, Art, Music, Dance, Drama, Health & Physical Education and Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs).

The Summit State School boasts the equal of any school with its outdoor facilities.

A multi – purpose supergrass court is in constant use by the children as is the playground. A mud kitchen and sensory play area are new additions to the school grounds, with children encouraged to utilise these to develop social, motor and co-ordination skills.

A wide range of sporting equipment is provided to allow development of ball handling and other associated skills, which enhance physical and academic progress.

A full sized sporting oval and smaller oval are maintained for student use.

The Summit State School is now accepting enrolments for 2023.

Our Pre-Prep Program will be held in Term 4 and runs over four weeks to help familiarise our future preps with our school, staff and fellow students. For more information or a tour please contact Will or Danni on 4683 2333.