Sports Shorts

Judy Lester (winner) and Sharron Cooper (runner up) in Saturday's Single Stableford competition are pictured with sponsor Julie, form Warwick Cleaning and Catering.


Seventeen Warwick golfers welcomed the return to sunnier weather on Saturday and played the Warwick Cleaning and Catering sponsored single Stableford.

The ladies would like to thank to Julie (Warwick Cleaning and Catering) who always puts together a great prize for her event.

Judy Lester (40pts) was the clear winner on Saturday and quickly pointed out that she had previously won a Warwick Cleaning and Catering Day and was very excited to win another.

Judy’s 40 stab points also propelled her up the Shoot-Out board to number seven which was another cause for celebration. This was Judy Lester’s best round for 12 months and means she will see a stroke missing from her next handicap.

Judy won by several lengths with the runner-up, Sharron Cooper scoring 34pts. Sharon also took home a sponsor’s trophy. Run-down balls were won by Kath Devereux (33), Gwen Mills and Maria Carey (31), and Anne Lyons (29). Judy Lester and Maria Carey won the two pins on offer.

Other scores were N Norris, T Bell and L McKillop (29), D Johnston and V Bennett (28), A Payne 27, A Tomkins (26), T Ingall (25), D Evans and J Aspinall (24) and H Olsen (23).

The final of the Single Handicap Matchplay Honour Board between Jill Barnes and Yvonne Pinington was also played on Saturday.

Despite having to give her opponent 10 strokes, Barnes got off to a great start, making very few mistakes on the front nine and at the turn was three-up. Vonnie Pinington squared several holes on the back nine but couldn’t find a win and ran out of holes eventually going down three and one. Jill Barnes now has three entries on the honour board in this event, as does Yvonne. Judy Lester was on the spot as the sponsor to present both ladies with attractive trophies.

On Sunday the women played the Ellie Jay Legacy Day Ambrose in support of Shane and Cody’s fund-raising efforts for the Warwick Hospital. This is in memory of their baby daughter who passed recently from SIDS.

A good field of 63 players enjoyed another beautiful spring day and plenty of camaraderie in the clubhouse following the day’s play. Ladies’ Treasurer Melanie featured in the winning team along with the remainder of the McLennan crew – Scott, Sam and Eliza who returned 53 nett to win the Woollies’ prize. The mixed team prizes were won by Trish and Jay Roberts, and Anne and Danny Lyons. Both teams also featured in the day’s pin shots.

If the fine weather manages to continue (a questionable ask) the ladies are scheduled to play the postponed October Mid-Week Medal on Wednesday, 2 November followed closely by the November Monthly Medal on Sat 5 Nov. Time is running out players to improve their Shoot-Out scores and Eclectics and Gobbles so take advantage of the time remaining and find a spot on the timesheet. There are always a variety of times available. Make note particularly of the upcoming Warwick Women’s Open Day on Tuesday 8 November.

Unfortunately, the change of date will mean several of our members are booked for golf on the Mornington Peninsula and will miss the day at home.

The club is calling on as many Warwick players as can be mustered to join the field, so players are asked to give the date considerable thought and support their Club.


Conditions on Sunday at the Risdon Rifle range were a vast improvement on the previous week, and no one was more pleased than the shooters from the Southern Downs Rifle Association.

Despite the fine, dry morning competitors at the 600-yard mound still had to contend with the usual tricky winds on the Range which is always challenging. Scores across the board were little lower than normal and probably a good indication of the tricks the wind was playing.

Richard McKillop showed he is in good form and again was the man to beat. Dave Taylor is another who is always in the mix and finished ahead of the remainder of the field taking second place.

There were only two shooters in the standard class, and it was Daryl Reck who had the best of the morning to claim a win.

Like the standard class there were only two participants in the sporter/ hunter class. Graham Park scored well to win the class.

Results :-600 yards F Class

F Open (max score 126)

Richard McKillop (122.9); Dave Taylor (118.5); Craig Montgomery (115.5); Bruce McAllan (114.5); Margaret Taylor (113.2); Charlie Montgomery (111.4); Geoff Volmerhause (107.1)

F Standard (max score 126)

Daryl Reck (114.5); Kevin Jones (110.1)

Sporter/ Hunter (max score 105)

Graham Park (93.2); Nick Dawn (86.5)

This week shooters will gather at the 300-yard mound. A quick reminder of the new summer sign on and start times in preparation for an 8am start.

If you have any queries, please contact Margaret (07 4666 1018. She will be happy to provide further information regarding Sunday’s shoot or the Southern Downs Rifle Club.


The Stanthorpe midweek golfing ladies were another group to benefit from the improved weather conditions and were able to complete the second and final round of the mid-week Ladies’ Championship. This event had previously been postponed due to rain.

It turned out to be a close finish between two inform players, Lorraine Evans and Lisa Stuart. Lorraine played excellent golf and held on to win the championship by one stroke.

The winner of the mid-week stroke event was Margie Locke. Locke played very well returning a great 99 gross for 72 nett. Lisa Stuart was runner-up after returning 95 gross for a nett score of 77 nett. Lorraine Evans claimed the pin shot on 12, Lisa Stuart 17 and Lynette Ludlow 5/14.


The Stanthorpe midweek golfing ladies were another group to benefit from the improved weather conditions and were able to complete the second and final round of the mid-week Ladies’ Championship. This event had previously been postponed due to rain.

It turned out to be a close finish between two inform players, Lorraine Evans and Lisa Stuart. Lorraine played excellent golf and held on to win the championship by one stroke.

The winner of the mid-week stroke event was Margie Locke. Locke played very well returning a great 99 gross for 72 nett. Lisa Stuart was runner up after returning 95 gross for a nett score of 77 nett. Lorraine Evans claimed the pin shot on 12, Lisa Stuart 17 and Lynette Ludlow 5/14.


Clear skies, warmer conditions and a drying golf course – what more could Stanthorpe Golfers ask for.

After several days of clear skies and warmer conditions the fairways on the Stanthorpe golf course showed positive signs of drying out last week.

It was welcome sight for golfers and the best conditions they have seen in some time.

Let’s hope they enjoyed that glimpse of better conditions, because the rain looks to have returned – again.

Saturday was 4BBB Stableford event with mixed teams competing for the Peirce Trophy. Members played for trophies supplied by David and Stephen of Favero Motors. The club would like to take the opportunity to thank Bob Peirce for travelling to Stanthorpe and to thank the sponsors of the events.

Competition for the Peirce Trophy was close until Keith and Helen Jones arrived at the clubhouse with a score of 47 points to claim the win. Both players added equally to the score. Each managed a four pointer during the round.

The team of Margie Locke and Ron Batterham were runner’s up scoring a solid 42 points.

In the 4BBB Max Hunter and Mick O’Brien took the honours with a score of 45 points. There score could have been a few points better if not for a wash at the second hole. The pair successfully covered this with a four pointer at hole 16. Junior golfers, Andy Burgess and Hamish Adam, with a score of 42 points were declared the runner’s up after a count back.

In the run down, Lisa Stuart, Alan Kerr, Rob Reeves, Mark McCosker, Santo Cavallaro and Tom Page all received a voucher.

Keith Jones collected for a pin shot at three and the approach at 1/10.

Matt Burgess collected at 12 and Scott Constable held the pin at 17.

Lisa Stuart held the ladies pin at 12. The remaining pro-pins went the way of David Burgess at 5/14 and Nathan Stibbard at 9/18.

Congratulations to the Lorraine Evans who won the delayed ladies mid-week championships during the week.

On Saturday winners of the Monthly Medal events over the past 12 months will play off in the 2022 Medal of Medallists round.

The men will be playing for the Roy Carnell Memorial Trophy sponsored by the Carnell family. Tom and Trish Fittock will sponsor the ladies’ event.

Saturday is also the first medal event for the new season and is sponsored by Poole’s Produce. There is a time sheet on the board at the clubhouse for the event.


Stanthorpe Sporters revelled in the chance to play their Sunday morning nine hole competition under sunny skies and on a far drier track than they have seen for some time. The conditions lured out a good field out on for the event. The back nine was in play this past week.

Max Hunter was on a roll and after a win in Saturday’s club event produced the winning score on Sunday morning. His nett 22 getting him the chocolates. Next best was Dick Hilton (nett 23). His score was helped along by a birdie at the 12th hole.

The run down went to nett 27 with Stuart Rayner and Terry Roser both figuring in the prizes.

It was a welcome return for Terry after having a period away due to surgery and other health issues.

Josh Anderson produced the best tee shot at the 12th hole to claim the NTP and Brendan Barker collected for his tee shot at 17. He also had the low score of the day, 40 for the round.

It is interesting look at the scores on each hole, just to see who has the highest. The best for the day was a nine with a handful of players claiming the honour, no names this week but watch this space I hear there could be a prize in the future.

Sporters is on again next Sunday morning with the front nine in play. Sporters will be hoping the weather is as kind to them this weekend – Tee off time is 8am and everyone is welcome to come along and have a hit.


The Southern Cross Bowls Club hosted a special event last week, the 2022 District (SDDLBA)Super Vets day. The weather was perfect for the Super Vets from clubs across the district. Players from the Southern Cross, Tannymorel, Tenterfield, Warwick and Warwick East enjoyed the opportunity to catch up with friends made over the years and play some great bowls.

The ladies from the Southern Cross did a great job looking after the group and for many the first stop was morning tea as the senior bowlers caught up with many people they have not seen since the last Super Vet was played.

Several new faces joined the Super Vets ranks this year having finally reached Super Vet status.

Carers and members from the Southern Cross joined the Super Vets on the green. Although many of the Super Vets had not set foot on a bowling green for many months or for some years, some of the heads were very tight. It just shows they have not lost their ability to show the younger generations how the game is played.

After 10 ends the bell was rung for lunch.

There were gifts and a delicious lunch prepared by the ladies. There were of course the obligatory photo shoots at the break.

A special thank you to the Super Vets for all you have contributed to the various clubs and the sport of bowls. Without the work of these men and women many clubs would not have survived for us to enjoy today.

Sadly, several faces were missing this year due to illness. These members are wished well, and it is hoped hope you are back on the green again soon. The SDDLBA extend their thoughts and good wishes to the family and friends of bowlers no longer with us.

A special thank you from the District to the Southern Cross club for hosting the event and for their efforts in preparing the green and all the work that went on behind the scenes to ensure the success of the day – it was greatly appreciated.