Win for anti-CSG lobbyists

Southern Downs Protection Group members.

Coal seam gas (CSG) protesters, including Southern Downs Protection Group, are celebrating a mining company decision to abandon a permit to drill in southeast Queensland.
Arrow Energy last week handed back its state-issued permits to explore for coal seam gas near north of Stanthorpe, between Allora and Killarney, meaning 127,000 properties in the region will no longer be subject to the company’s tenure.
An Arrow spokesman told AAP last week that the permits were relinquished because there were no significant gas reserves in the region. The decision to do so was a routine part of the company’s procedures, he said.
But Lock the Gate Alliance president Drew Hutton says the permits being handed back represents a victory for his group, which has blockaded several exploration sites in the past 18 months.
“It’s certainly a win, we’re very pleased about it,” Mr Hutton told AAP.
“But when you look at the bigger picture, you don’t see a very positive picture for Arrow in Queensland.”
Mr Hutton says the blockades will continue throughout the State.