VWs head for the streets

Ben Ford in action.

Volkswagen drag cars return to Warwick on September 29 and 30 for Round 2 of the VWMA drag racing series.
Organiser Craig Hughes is delighted that the weekend that started it all is now in its seventh year.
“Warwick, along with Portland and Sydney, has seen the VW drag racing scene grow from strength to strength,” Mr Hughes said.
“No-one can remember a time when there were so many purpose built drag cars racing in Australia and there are still more to make their debut, including the new Beetle drag car sensation from Rod Penrose, which will hit the track for its first competitive outing at Warwick.”
Preparations are well underway for the September event, with the VWs to parade through town on Saturday morning and stage a static display of VWs in Leslie Park.
“This is always a popular extension of the weekend racing program and allows everyone the opportunity to relax before the proceedings begin,” Mr Hughes said.
“Of course, the two days of drag racing action is the real drawcard and the successful formula of all Saturday qualifying and Sunday round robin competition remains unchanged.”
The Top VW Shootout is the premium bracket for the event and has proven a popular and competitive bracket with a cut-off of 7.49 or quicker. Each year the qualifying list grows, as drivers hone their skills and race cars develop into specialised track weapons.
Neil Penboss is a triple crowned champion of the Warwick weekend and track favourite, but his home state advantage is being quickly eroded by the likes of Ben Ford in his supercharged Beetle and of course the return of Rod Penrose in a purpose built drag car.The big question everyone is asking in 2012 is, who will be the first driver to break into the five second bracket.