Spot of poetry

So Tony Abbott wants Australia to return to the Golden Years of the John Howard Government.
These are the years that gave us:
The twice sale of Telstra from which Australians are still recovering.
The creation of the sacred future fund with the money from the sale of Telstra.
What good is this fund to us if they will not spend it?
The lies of the Children overboard.
The bungling of the Tampa affair.
Core and non core promises.
Weapons of mass destruction.
The war with Iraq.
The mishandling of the David Hicks case.
Work Choices.
The SAS on the Melbourne docks.
Allowing the degredation of the Murray-Darling rivers to continue.
The Australian Wheat Board Scandal.
Peter Reith now admits that the “Children overboard” affair was a “stuff up” but not a conspiracy.
This “Stuff Up” was pivotal to the Howard Government”s Election.
A Government built on lies and half truths.
Mr Abbott claims to have 16 cabinet members in common with John Howard, all of whom would have had some input to the above.

Alan Gordon
King Creek