Turning sod for art sake

A very special morning for the Stanthorpe art and cultural precinct with the turning of the sod last week. Photos: Samantha Wantling.

By Melissa Coleman

Last Wednesday, a traditional ceremony that celebrates the first day of construction for a building called ‘the turning of the sod’ saw the Stanthorpe Art Gallery Society committee, volunteers and staff, along with Southern Downs Regional Council representatives and community members, witness the beginning of a major extension for the art precinct.

Stanthorpe Art Gallery Society president Christine Sayer said that, while the society manages the art gallery, the Southern Downs Regional Council is its major sponsor.

Council provides the society with the building, while the not-for-profit management committee applies for grants to cover the costs of operation and take responsibility for all administrative affairs while acting as custodians to the $3.5 million art collection, which is owned and insured by the SDRC.

Ms Sayer said the collection was part of what the gallery’s volunteers, committee, and staff has been lobbying for over the last 10 years.

“Initially, what we wanted was a stand-alone building for the gallery; however that proved not possible,” she said.

“The building is the keystone to the cultural precinct.”

The site is known as a community hub; however, the federal government-funded extension and matched-funding from the regional council will make the building an exciting space for the community.

“The best news is the collection will have safe storage,” Ms Sayer said.

While renovations to the building are taking place, the society is planning ahead for the opening date, which is scheduled for later next year.

“We will be opening with a very special curated exhibition from the collection.

“In the past, we haven’t had the space or the ability to showcase the full exhibition.”

“It’s quite an exciting event to look forward to,” she said.

In the meantime, the Stanthorpe Regional Art Gallery will be hosting a Christmas Art Fair at the Civic Centre.

The fair will run from Friday 2 December, to Thursday 22 December.

“It will be fabulous. You can purchase a range of unique artwork from local artists.”

“We’re doing this because we have lost the opportunity of revenue for our local artists. Previously in the gallery, we had a boutique.”

“The fair is a great way to acknowledge our artists and at the same time buy gifts for Christmas time,” she said.