Fun as heavy snow falls

The largest snowfall in recent history. Snow-surfing at the Stanthorpe Hospital.

1984 saw the largest snowfall in recent history, and residents across the Granite Belt found inventive ways to amuse themselves, from snow-surfing to biulding snowmen.

January 19

• Inaugural Liveweight Sale at Stanthorpe Saleyards

January 17

• “Dr Elliot“ guest at Festival

• Upgrading Fred Rogers Camp Conversation Pit

January 26

• Lucky Escape after acetylene blast

• Jean Harslett Citizen of Year for ’85

• Peter Brown Youth of the Year

• Border Post Files Reveal Account of Early Snake Death

• John White, 13, 1881

February 7

• The 1984 Stanthorpe Show will go down in history as the most successful yet

• Elsinore Launched at Glen Aplin

February 9

• Lighting strike telephone

• Old League Friends Gather

• Stanthorpe Rugby League (1952) Picture

February 16

• Fond Memories of Research Station

• Len Thomas, established station in 1933 34 years at Station

• Stanthorpe People Urged to Drink Local Wines

• A Festival Song (In Touch)

February 21

• First Queensland Grape Crushing Championships to be held at Festival

March 1

• Outstanding Angora Sale Surpasses Expectations Top Price, $2800

• Eukey Sun Powered Complex for Auction

March 6

• 60,000 people vote ’84 Festival A Stunner

• Grapes Flow but Cr Sullivan our celebrity Hero

March 13

• Extraordinary link unites sisters Last link of a pioneering generation Jack Doublas Bamberry (by Jean Harslett)

March 22

• Stannum Lodge Motor Inn Feature Latest in Motel Comfort

March 29

• Pearl Kennedy Receives Red Cross Medal

• Jim Grassick ’84 Cricketer of the Year

April 12

• Australian First – Hail Netting for local orchards

• Stanthorpe may become the first apple-growing area in Australia to have a hail-netting-protected orchard. Jack Mattiazzi, Thulimbah Welding Works – based on an Italian system

April 17

• YMCA Youth Centre Construction may start May 21


• Counter rescue exercise – tourist bus and semi trailer

May 7

• Army Plane Crashes Near Liston

• Two passengers suffer minor injuries; Lindsay View o Quart Pot Beautification Plans Go On Display 3.6 km from Red Bridge to Highway

• Spirit of Anzac in stanthorpe – Tony Thouard Photo, Norm Colley

May 3

• Ballandean 75th Jubilee Feature

• Pioneering Family has connections Smith Family

• Batterham Reunion

May 8

• Ballandean Swells to 2000 for 75th Jubilee

May 24

• Ron Says Goodbye to his Cars

May 29

• Plaza Sold to $2.1 million

May 31

• Community FM Radio Station Plan

Frank Gleeson

• Tennis Popular in Early Stanthorpe (In Touch)

June 5

• Vandalism Mt Marlay Lookout – night closure move

June 12

• Obituary: Col Mason – Era Ends at the Border Post

June 14

• New Owner for Biltmore Cellars

June 19

• Cottonvale Champ Does is Again Joe and Phil Devereux – Heavy Horses

June 21

• Unique mini cow born at Applethorpe

• Trial Kiwi Fruit Batch at Rumbalara

July 3

• Mall Proposed for Farlay Street

• Stanthope Commended in Tidy Towns Competition

July 5

• Winter Wonderland

This week’s snowfalls on the Granite Belt have been the heaviest for the last 83 years. Snow began to fall on Tuesday morning (July 3) and late yesterday snow was still falling. The heaviest falls were recorded at Mt Tully and Eukey, while the district was blanketed by the most consistent snow seen in living memory.

At Eukey, snow was reported to be two feet deep in areas yesterday while in the town area five to six inches of snow delighted children and adults alike in the spirit of near-freezing temperatures. The Stanthorpe Post Office yesterday recorded a maximum temperature of only 2.4 degrees C, one of the lowest temperatures ever recorded the minimum yesterday was -.05C, higher than the -2C recorded on Tuesday and the -4C recorded on Monday, the lowest temperature of the years so far.

The snow was welcomed with sheer delight by most residents.

People from far afield as the north coast of New South Wales and the Sunshine Coast drove to Stanthorpe yesterday specifically to see the snow.

July 10

• Hay, cameras sold out, 400 per cent for pies, pizzas, hot chips, toasted sandwiches, hot chickens; Motels heavily booked; O’Mara’s 300 per cent more meals mid week than usual, liquor sales phenomenal; Petrol outlets report a continual stream of day trippers – some who had not known where Stanthorpe Was

• Geoff Rayner sold 700 films – took 300 to be developed in four days (compared with 20 a day)

July 24

• International Club Celebrates 25th anniversary – 13 flags raised to represent the multinational membership

July 31

• Go Ahead for Quart Pot Creek Plan

• $85,500 State Government Grant to Stanthorpe Bicentennial Community Committee

August 2

• Glenlyon Mistake Poses Big Problem

• A huge miscalculation on the availabilility of water from dam could have serious consequences for irrigatorsdownstream of the dam.

August 9

• 100th Birthday for Herminia Eastwood

• Oibtuary: Lily Cunningham (formerly Petzler)

September 11

• Stanthorpe link: Professor seeks clues on tin era inventor

September 13

• Ossie & Nell Hall – Diamond Wedding Anniversary

September 18

• Obituary: Nora Mary Petzler

October 2

• Council Nightmare Public refuse dump off Storm King Road is becoming an eyesore

November 1

• Eukey Breeder Elected Australian Dorset Horn Sheep Association Doug Mitchell

November 15

• State Selection

• Stanthorpe Scouts to Open New Den 50 years scouting in Stanthorpe

December 6

• Obituary: Leila May Rubie

December 11

• Italian Hail Netting at Thulimbah Orchard

• Imported Italian hail neeting has been erected over 7 acres of apple orchard at the Volpato

• orchard at Thulimbah – $2000/acres

• Fires ton eastern side; also being trialled on the southern end

December 13

• Obituary: John Elliot (Jack) Dodd, Yelarbon

December 21

• $4 million damage in hail storms 115 northern district, 1950 ha affected; $3 million at Ballandean previous Wednesday