Signing choir brings joy to schools

The talented Granite Belt Support Services (GBSS) Auslan Signing Choir performed at two schools on the Granite Belt with more concerts to come. Photo: Samantha Wantling.

By Melissa Coleman

The talented Granite Belt Support Services (GBSS) Auslan Signing Choir performed at St Joseph’s School and Stanthorpe State School with a focus on raising awareness of all abilities among our younger generation during Disability Action Week.

Disability Action Week is celebrated at the end of November into early December to raise awareness of the capabilities of people with disabilities.

GBSS believe that this fosters an understanding of the talents and valuable contributions that people with disability make to our community.

“Children then carry this mindset into their older years and have the opportunity to share this powerful mindset with people around them, encouraging compassion and inclusion,“ a spokesperson said.

“GBSS would like thank both schools and the community for your support over the past 12 months and wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season.”

If you’d like to see the GBSS Auslan Choir in action, they will be performing on Friday 9 December at Carols in the Park (Weroona Park) and Friday 16 December at the Stanthorpe Art Gallery which is currently located in the Civic Centre Building.