Livestock market getting lighter as festive season nears

Ross Ellis in the sheep yard. Photo: File

Livestock numbers were similar across the selling spectrums this week as the penultimate sales were held.

The stock presented was on a whole on the lighter side for most descriptions except the pork markets where there is a major selling season for their product. Cattle saw 838 head for the weekly sale, sheep and lamb numbers were at 1399 head.

The markets were consistent with what is happening as we move closer to the festive season and the holiday periods.

Vealer steers averaged 522.3c/kg topping at 645.2c/kg or $1313.14 to $1711.95

Vealer heifers averaged 485.9c/kg topping at 630.2c/kg or $1222.67 to $1658.16

Feeder steers averaged 437.9c/kg topping at 486.2c/kg or $1610.80 to 2323.23

Feeder heifers averaged 390.2c/kg topping at 440c/kg or $1401.25 to $1911.91

Yearling steers averaged 451.1c/kg topping at 696.2c/kg or $1546.76 to $2367.08

Yearling heifers averaged 417.6c/kg topping at 520.2c/kg or $1477.08 to $2438.82

Steers averaged 394.7c/kg topping at 435.2c/kg or $1612.93 to 2388.48

Heifers averaged 339.1c/kg topping at 400c/kg or $1426.75 to $2109.47

Cows averaged 292.1c/kg topping at 335.2c/kg or $1441.50 to $2338.00

Bulls averaged 340.7c/kg topping at 550.2c/kg or $1300.39 to $2572.01

Lambs topped at $212 to average $151.10 down $3/head

Hoggets topped at $138 to average $89.74 down $20/head

Ewes topped at $100 to average $48.26 up $5/head

Wethers topped at $125 to average $84.71 a drop of $9/head

Rams topped at $102 to average $57.94 a drop of $21/head

Lamb rams topped at $120 to average $90.94 a drop of $34/head

Ewe lambs topped at $157 to average $140.23 a drop of $9/head

Total yarding of 1399 averaged $122.34 a drop of $6/head

Pork sold from $160 to $224, Light Pork sold from $210 to $219, Stores sold from $88 to $181

Ducklings sold to $22.50, trio of call ducks sold to $22.50, Guinea Fowl sold to $30, Hens sold to $25, Hen & Chick units sold to $17.50, Roosters sold to $17.50, Duck with a dozen ducklings sold to $70

McDougall & Sons Pty Ltd Sheep and Lamb Report 7/12/2022

Agents and vendors today presented a total of 1399 head to the local weekly sale.

The yarding was a blend of good export lambs, good trade lambs and some tidy feed on lambs.

The mutton supply was dominated by ewe and lamb units as well as a few well-conditioned lines of trade and export mutton.

The buyers were in attendance but were reticent to push forward for their orders unless the stock on hand was exceptional.

The market was subdued with lambs topping at $212 to average $151.10($3 down), hoggets topped at $138 to average $89.74($5 down), ewes topped at $100 to average $48.26($5 up), wethers topped at $125 to average $84.71($9 down), rams topped at $102 to average $57.94($21 down), lamb rams topped at $120 to average $90.94($34 down), ewe lambs topped at 157 to average $140.23($9 down).

The total yarding of 1399 head averaged $122.34 a drop of $6/head for the sale.

• Cobby & Katrina Hobbs sold Dorper lambs 40.2kg to Jock Young Meats for $131, 33.5kg to restockers for $107, 43kg hoggets to restockers for $91, ewes to Take IT Easy Meats for $50

• John & Marion Skinner sold Dorset lambs 57.3kg to Thomas Foods for $180, 67.5kg ewes to Eversons for $100

• Vermont Past Co sold 1st x lambs 47.5kg to Thomas Foods for $205, to Warwick Meats for $120, 57kg shorn lambs to Thomas Foods for $195, 55.3kg to Thomas Foods for $184, 50.5kg unshorn to GR Prime for $178.50

• Lawrence and Linda Springborg sold 52.5kg Dorper lambs to GR Prime for $185

• Tim and Mary Turvey sold Xbred lambs 46.6kg to Thomas Foods for $165, 44.2kg to GR Prime for $136, White Suffolk ewe hoggets to restockers for $130

• Geoff Rathmell sold Dorper lambs 48kg to Grants Quality Meats for $178, 56kg hoggets to Take IT Easy Meats for $100

• Rory and Kathy Frost sold Dorper lambs 42.27kg to Luck Meats for $176

• Ken Kelly sold sucker Dorper lambs 39.6kg to Eversons for $100, 35.6kg to Highchester Meats

• Anthony Collins sold Dorper x lambs, suckers 33.75 off the ewes to restockers for $115, ewe and lamb units to restockers for $130

• Melbin Family sold Dorper hogget rams 63kg to Take IT Easy Meats for $80, ewe and lamb units to restockers for $180

• John P Murphy sold Dorper ram hoggets to Take IT Easy Meats for $80 , rams to Whites Trading for $60, ewe and Lamb units to restockers for $102, ewes to Eversons for $41

• John Schonrock sold Dohne wethers shorn to Eversons for $125