Catch a carp for fishing comp

Carps caught at last year’s competition.

On Sunday, September 30, come and join in the Carp Catching Competition.
Held from 8am to 12noon on the Condamine River from Scots Weir to Queens Park Weir the Catch a Carp competition is a great way to clean up our waterways.
Registration starts at 8am for those keen to catch a carp.  There will be a number of lucky draw prizes up for grabs as well as a $100 gift voucher from Warwick Outdoor and Sports for the person who catches the biggest carp by weight so come and register to be eligible for a prize. Bring your friends, family and fishing gear and make a day of it. More information can be found on the Landcare website at or by contacting the Landcare Office on 4661 9909.