A rock to rest on, thanks to Rotary

The Rotary resting rock.

At Quart Pot Creek just down the hill from the Stanthorpe Visitor Information Centre is a lovely spot that’s just perfect for rest and meditation. Tucked next to a bit of greenery, in earshot of the quiet chuckle of water running over the nearby creek weir and with views across a serene little bay of water to the Big Thermometer, it really is a delightful little oasis. 

The only drawback used to be that there wasn’t anywhere to sit while soaking in the peaceful atmosphere. But one day a long, flat rock that could seat a whole family magically appeared in that spot. For a year and a half, people have thankfully rested on the rock … but never knew how it got there. 

Just a couple of weeks ago all was revealed, for the rock now sports a small plaque that reads, “To commemorate 100 years of Rotary in Australia”. It was brought from the Harslett property at Amiens and involved Rotary and the council for Workplace Health and Safety reasons. 

To rest your own rear on the rock, here’s how to get there: On the Visitor Information Centre side of the creek, take the footpath that leads from under the Carnarvon Bridge to the creek. Just keep going straight (onto the granite rock area) instead of following the curve down to the water or the curve up to the information centre. So now we know how that rock came to be there. All things come to those who wait!