From no man’s land to a life of service

Cr Stephen Tancred (left) congratulates immediate past president of Stanthorpe Amateur Swimming and Lifesaving Club Brenden Kay on the new shed. Picture: SAMANTHA WANTLING

A little pocket of Stanthorpe land that sat idle in a forgotten corner near Weeroona Park for decades has found its purpose in life at last.

The small block, situated between the Paddy Ryan Bandshell and the Stanthorpe Swimming Pool, has gone from being no man’s land (so to speak) to providing a home for a storage shed needed by the Stanthorpe Amateur Swimming and Lifesaving Club.

It’s a marriage made in heaven, as the piece of land is in an awkward spot for any other purpose but is perfect for the swimming club’s storage needs. Club members can now access the shed through a new gate at the pool fence and, thanks to the Southern Downs Regional Council, a concrete pathway gives all-weather access from the pool precinct.

Brenden Kay, the immediate past president and a life member of the swimming club, was pleased about how it had all turned out and had a ton of people to thank for the successful result.

“This was the result of a lot of people coming together. It was a $20,000 project that was two years in the making,” he said.

“Up until now we have been using the pool lessee’s storage but it was time for the club to be a bit more autonomous and have its own shed for its lane ropes, scoreboards, chairs and marquees.

“We did fundraising at various events including the Apple and Grape Harvest Festival and we received grants from the RSL and the Stanthorpe Community Bank. We also received Southern Downs Regional Council’s Grants to Community funding of $5000.”

He also thanked the contractors Guy Collier at GHC Building Solutions Pty Ltd, Southern Downs Bricklaying & Concreting and Walls Concrete.

“It was a big project. We’re very thankful for all the support we have received,” Brenden said.

Councillor at Southern Downs Regional Council Stephen Tancred congratulated the club.

“Council was very glad to facilitate the swimming club getting a lease on the small parcel of land behind the bandshell. The swimming club also successfully applied for the council’s Grants to Community funding and met council’s aims of helping not-for-profit groups, particularly supporting kids and sport,” he said.