Teen Brady dominates awards

Rohan Brady has had an outstanding 22/23 cricket season.On Saturday night at the Stanthorpe and District Cricket Association Presentation evening theRSL player scooped the pool taking home Awards for the Stanthorpe Player of the Year; Colt of the Year; Dud Davis Player of the Year and wrapped it up with the Most Runs scored this season. he is pictured collecting his Awards from past Stanthorpe Cricket president Mark (Bluey) Lanza.

By Casey OÇonnor

Sixteen-year-old Rohan Brady has dominated this year’s Stanthorpe Cricket Presentation evening taking out four major titles.

The RSL teen capped off an outstanding season in domestic fixtures and representative teams being named Stanthorpe Player of the Year; Colt of the Year, the Dud Davis Player of the Year and also scoring the most runs for the season (582).

The Stanthorpe Cricket teams came together on Saturday night for the annual Stanthorpe and District Cricket Association presentation evening at the Stanthorpe RSL.

Association President Tim Harslett said the awards capped off a great season for the players.

“With the Grand final only a week away it was a great opportunity to celebrate what has been a very successful season for the Association,” he said.

“There have been some outstanding individual efforts and some wonderful results from our Rep teams this season.”

Souths Cricket Club are the 2022/23 Minor Premiers and the Minor Premiership Shield weas accepted by South’s captain Danny Folkers.

South’s Jordan Lanza was named Mitchell Shield Player .

Lachlan Pill Vice captain of South’s and captain of the senior Rep side had the best batting average of the season an average of 74.2.

Valleys captain Damian Anderson took the most wickets during the season – 23 at an average of 8.8. His wicket haul included a hat trick.

RSL Chris Haynes took the most wickets for the season.

RSL opener Nick Lawer was named Junior Colt of the Year.

Stanthorpe Cricket Association Secretary, Anthony Coup received the prestigious Col Aiken Award for Service to Cricket

Andrew Einam was the winner of the 2022/23 Umpires Award.

The Stanthorpe and District Cricket grand final between Souths and RSL will be played this Saturday at the CF White Oval. The game commences at 12.30pm.