Supervision the best prevention these school holidays

The Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS) is asking parents and caregivers to keep a close eye on children.
QAS South Western Region Assistant Commissioner Dee Taylor-Dutton said school holiday periods generally coincided with a higher number of call outs due to misadventure.
“If left to their own devices, children can come into all sorts of trouble. Paramedics across the State will tell you they attend many cases where close supervision could have prevented serious injuries,” Ms Taylor-Dutton said.
“The warmer weather experienced across the state only boosts children’s curiosity to get outside and explore, which is why constant supervision is paramount around pools and bodies of water such as dams.
“Children can be very observant and will make their way into a fenced off pool if they see a way to get in. So it’s vital parents or caregivers remove all climbable objects away from the pool fence and ensure the gate is securely closed at all times.
“In accordance with relevant legislation, CPR signage should be displayed in a prominent position near the backyard pool.”
Ms Taylor-Dutton said cooking with children was a common holiday activity, and parents and caregivers needed to be mindful of kitchen hazards.
“Hot elements and surfaces, such as oven doors, can seriously burn youngsters. If you’re cooking with them, ensure they are aware of the dangers or give them tasks away from these hazards.
“Kitchens, bathrooms and garages often house poisonous chemicals, which if ingested, could result in severe internal injuries and death. Make sure cupboards storing these items are out of reach of children or are securely locked.
“The same goes for power tools and gardening equipment. Make sure these are stored securely and that children understand these are not to be played with.
“If an emergency situation arises where you need an ambulance, be sure to ring Triple Zero (000) immediately and carefully answer the operators questions.”
For further information or to find out about QAS first aid courses, including bookings, phone 1300 369 003, between 8:00am-6:00pm, Monday-Friday or visit