Local doctor visits Stanthorpe school

Stanthorpe State School Preppers recently welcomed a very special teaching team to their classroom when local doctor, and proud dad, Doctor Dan Halliday and his student doctors Andrew, Claire and Ali came to visit!
Utilising a variety of very effective teaching methods, incorporating song, fun activities and eye catching props, Dr Halliday and his helpers had the entire Prep Precinct enthralled, though a particular highlight for students (and teachers!) was the experience of having their arm wrapped in a plaster cast – just as a doctor would do if a patient had a broken bone.
Captivated by this exciting session, Stanthorpe State School’s Preppers enjoyed discovering all about the skeleton, how all the bones fit together and what we need to do to keep our bones healthy and growing strong.
It was a wonderful opportunity for all Preppers to have Dr Halliday, Andrew, Claire and Ali come visit their classroom and deliver this incredibly informative lesson in health and wellbeing.