Exciting new programs meld with Warwick Peace Festival

Warwick’s next Peace Festival is just around the corner with a full program of activities planned for the Labour Day weekend from April 29 to May 2.
Organiser Ruth Power said that, due to flood damage along the Condamine River, Peace in the Park will be at Leslie Park this year.
“Sunday, May 1 will be a great day for all the family,” she said.
“Kicking off with a Poets Breakfast, the fun will continue all day with multicultural music, schools performances, craft stalls, great food, a Sustainability Showcase, wildlife presentations by Geckoes, children’s activities and more.”
The 2011 festival will see a first for Warwick, with the “Healing Together” Aboriginal Art and Music Showcase being run at Leslie Park on Friday, April 29 and Saturday, April 30.
Ms Power said this initiative was aimed at highlighting the great resource of Aboriginal talent in our area and nurturing up and coming performers as they workshop and perform beside professionals.
The showcase will culminate in a Saturday night concert at Warwick Town Hall with a great line-up of professional Aboriginal talent in store.
Another first is the POP Day, being held on Saturday, April 30, also at
Leslie Park.
“This day of fun activities is being organised by and for a team of young people (the POP Crew) who are interested in being part of some creative and positive activity,” Ms Power said.
“Exciting and novel things are
in store!”
New team members are welcome any time and can find out more by contacting Brooke or Simon on
4661 5420.
With so many great ideas relating to peace, the program has spilled out either side of the official festival dates, with some great activities before and after the Labour Day weekend.
On Thursday, May 28, the Peace Festival committee, partnering with Zonta, will bring well-known nutritionist and author Cyndi O’Meara to Warwick to speak at a business breakfast and an evening talk.
Blues guitar and singing workshops with Buddy Knox are being organised as part of the Aboriginal Showcase. Junk Orchestra workshops, lantern workshops and an extensive schools program are also part of the mix.
Visiting musicians from Kumiyama, Japan will perform at a concert on Monday, May 2, along with acclaimed Tibetan singer Tenzin Choegyal.
Anyone wanting to know more or wishing to help out in some way, contact the Festival Committee on 4661 5420 or info@peacefestival.org.au