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Glen Aplin State School student showing off their creation.

Glen Aplin State School, under the leadership of Principal Yvonne Watt, stands as a testament to the power of a close-knit educational community. With the motto “Striving to improve“ at its heart, Glen Aplin State School is committed to delivering an outstanding education program for all our students.

Principal Watt emphasises the unique qualities of her small country school, where every student and family knows one another, and the intimate setting fosters a close-knit community.

Watt notes: “Being a smaller school means all the children are known to all the staff, and individualised programs can be easily implemented.“

This personalised approach is made possible by Glen Aplin’s multi-age philosophy, which allows students to progress at their own pace, experiencing genuine success in the process.

The recent school review identified that all staff have a genuine commitment to the achievement and growth of all students. Many parents commented on the genuine care their child is afforded by staff and on the positive relationships and partnerships the school cultivates to support student learning and wellbeing. Glen Aplin’s student leadership program gives students the opportunity to develop their self-confidence and team building skills.

The Prep Buddy program, which assigns each Prep student a buddy, not only makes the transition to school for our Prep students easier, but develops empathy, caring and understanding in our senior students.

At Glen Aplin State School, they are dedicated to ensuring that their students have access to the latest technology, a talented and experienced staff, and a resource-rich environment that caters to their educational needs. Watt proudly mentions that her permanent staff receive additional support through visits from specialists in music, physical education (PE), and Languages other than English (LOTE), along with weekly participation in the ’Granite Belt Community of Small Schools’ sporting competitions. The school Chaplain delivers a social/emotional wellbeing program that focuses on teaching students to be self-motivated, engaged and independent learners who are resilient and self-regulated.

The school’s commitment to excellence is further reinforced by the adoption of the School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) framework, a globally recognised system. Principal Yvonne Watt highlights its significance: “The SWPBS framework requires schools to develop proactive systems to define, teach, and support appropriate student behaviours.“ This framework centres on four core expectations for all students:

“I am safe.“

“I am responsible.“

“I am respectful.“

“I am a learner.“

Established in 1887, Glen Aplin State School boasts a scenic location overlooking the Severn River, surrounded by picturesque bushland and farmland in the rural expanse of the Granite Belt. Over the years, the school community has expanded to include students from the growing Glen Aplin village and those traveling from nearby Stanthorpe, all in pursuit of the enriching small school experience they provide. Being situated a short 10 minute drive from town makes Glen Aplin an ideal school for those parents looking for a unique, individualised schooling experience for their child, with staff who genuinely experience joy coming to work and helping each child to be the very best version of themselves they can be.

Their active Parents and Citizens Association (P&C) plays a pivotal role in the school’s vibrant culture, organizing various fundraisers and activities to support our educational programs. Funds raised not only contribute to school improvements but also enable students to attend events in Stanthorpe and beyond, as well as providing financial support for school camps to ensure every child’s participation. The biannual Senior camp to Canberra and the snow is always a highlight for the students, and the P&C is always very generous with their donations to reduce costs for families so all students can participate.

The Glen Aplin community’s unwavering generosity and support remain a driving force behind our school’s success, with regular donations to school fundraisers. The iconic Glen Aplin memorial hall, at the heart of the community, serves as a versatile venue for school events and functions. Principal Watt acknowledges its importance, stating, “The hall includes a stage and a commercial kitchen, making it perfect for hosting visiting productions and school community events.“ The hall, constructed primarily by dedicated volunteers in 1953, is maintained by a committed committee, ensuring its continued use as a valuable community resource. Notably, the rural fire brigade’s presence next door makes it an ideal evacuation centre during emergencies like fires or floods.

Adjacent to the hall, the committee has thoughtfully developed a sporting oval for community use, which has been generously opened to Glen Aplin State School. In essence, Glen Aplin State School, in collaboration with its vibrant community, stands as a testament to the values of commitment, support, and the pursuit of excellence in education and serves as a perfect vessel for children’s individual primary school learning.