Totems of hope

Megan and Laurie Astill are great supporters of art as therapy. Pictures: SAMANTHA WANTLING

The Happy Chat support group in Stanthorpe has introduced an extraordinary art project called Totems of Hope during Mental Health Week.

Within a year, the group has transformed the Whistlestop Community Gardens into a serene space adorned with inspiring clay-fired artworks.

The project began in January and has brought mindfulness and profound changes to the participants’ lives.

Community members gathered in the gardens on Thursday 12 October to witness the opening smoke ceremony of the gala and take a look around the gardens soaking in the stories it has to tell.

The creation of these totems coincides with Mental Health Week as art itself can be used as a tool of expression and each totem is a representation of the artists’ freedom.

Beyond the Whistlestop Gardens, the group plans to curate additional pieces of art to be displayed on Stanthorpe’s main street later this year.

This project not only showcases creativity but also provides a healing and connecting space for all involved.