Lets crush it

Let's ’crush it’ for another spectacular festival.

With only five and a half weeks remaining until the much-anticipated opening night of the Stanthorpe Apple and Grape Harvest Festival, our preparations are in full swing.

While the festival spans from 23 February to 3 March, the standout moment that signals the commencement of festivities is the assembly of arches, the installation of lighting, and the hanging of vibrant bunting.

This exciting transformation of Stanthorpe’s main street will take place on 4 February, a spectacle eagerly awaited by both adults and children alike.

This year, we have embraced the theme ’Celebrating the Four Seasons of the Granite Belt’ to weave a cohesive narrative throughout the festival. This theme will be evident in our decorated shop window displays, the Apple and Grape Gala Ball, and the floats featured in the Grand Parade.

I strongly encourage each of you to participate in these events, as they are integral components of the festival, showcasing our region to the tens of thousands of visitors who grace us with their presence.

As the familiar saying goes, “without volunteers, there is no festival,“ and I extend my sincere encouragement to those with the time and willingness to lend a hand. Whether you can spare a few hours or wish to contribute every day, your involvement will be invaluable, and I guarantee you’ll have a memorable experience.

In recognition of the profound impact made by those who consistently show up, do their part, and then quietly go home, I have decided to award 11 deserving individuals with life memberships this year. Don Harvey, Jim Barker, Dave McMurtrie, Ray Zanatta, Brian Wilmot, Annette Brown, Des Day, Trevor Wren, Ros Day, Graham Preston, and Shane Dullahide embody the qualities we cherish in volunteers. These remarkable individuals will be honoured at the Gala Ball and presented with a special pin.

For those with inquiries or the desire to participate by entering windows, floats, or purchasing tickets, please visit appleandgrape.org or call 4681 4111.

Join us in ’crushing it’ for another spectacular festival. After all, it is you, our locals and your enthusiasm and support that make this event truly extraordinary.