Newson to lead Greens

Grant Newson.

The Australian Greens Member, Grant Newson, will be the candidate in the Maranoa Electorate for The Greens in the next Federal Election.
Mr Newson has lived in the South Burnett area of the Nanango Electorate for over 10 years.  Residing in the South Burnett region, Mr Newson has travelled throughout the majority of the Electorate and says, “Maranoa is the biggest Electorate and I will be getting to some places I didn’t visit last time.”
Mr Newson stood in the last Federal Election for the seat of Maranoa in 2010 and recorded the highest percentage of votes that The Greens have ever had in that Electorate.  “Maranoa has the biggest escalation of mining industries in Queensland,. with CSG, UCG and Open Cut, which all seem to have been given a free rein to do what-ever and go where they want,” said Mr Newson.
“With Queensland now facing Uranium mining added to that, The Greens are the one and only party that does not want that industry here,” Mr Newson said. ”Give the residents their property rights back, get a guarantee on the safety of our water supply and spend some money on services and facilities in rural areas.”
Mr Newson has been involved in supporting the residents of Kingaroy area and removing the devastating Underground Coal Gasification (IUCG) plant from the area. Protecting the highly valuable cropping land from mining exploration is a priority for The Greens.  He is passionate about protecting native flora and fauna, and protecting waterways and the Great Artesian Basin.
Mr Newson has pledged support to the Coopers Gap Wind Farm and wants to reinstate the Solar farming project and see more safe, clean, renewable energy projects.  Lead Senate Candidate for The Greens, Mr Adam Stone said, “Mr Newson has bolstered the Greens in the Maranoa Electorate and is passionate about the job at hand.  He is the best candidate we have had for Maranoa and I support him all the way.”
Mr Newson said, “I enjoy embracing technology and communicate regularly through social media such as Facebook (Grant Newson – Maranoa Greens)  and Twitter (@maranoagreens) as well as relying on the proven face to face – walk and talk method.”