Developing diversity and creating connections

Do-Yeon, Mayor Vic Pennisi, Abbey Petersen, Rotarian Stephen Tancred and Wayne Petersen. Picture: CONTRIBUTED

By Lucy Waldron

Last week marked a significant moment for the Stanthorpe Rotarians as Korean student Do-Yeon arrived for her 12-month exchange program, while Abbey Petersen was bid farewell, for her journey to the USA.

The Stanthorpe Rotary Club orchestrated a heartfelt welcome for Do-Yeon, who is set to attend Stanthorpe State High School and immerse herself in the local culture through the hospitality of Rotarian families.

Do-Yeon expressed her excitement about the upcoming year, eagerly anticipating the opportunity to improve her English skills and delve into the nuances of Australian life. The young student, already impressed by the local cuisine, described it as “very nice.“

At the same time, Abbey from Tannymorel, who is set to embark on a transformative 12-month journey in the USA as part of the club’s youth exchange program was given a goodbye.

Abbey, expressing both excitement and trepidation, will be hosted by Rotarians in the snow-covered city of Coon Rapids, Minnesota, and is particularly looking forward to mastering the art of skiing.

Southern Downs Mayor Vic Pennisi joined the Rotary meeting to extend a warm welcome to Do-Yeon and bid a fond farewell to Abbey. Both students, radiating enthusiasm, delivered confident addresses to the Rotarians, sharing their excitement for the enriching experiences that lie ahead.

Stephen Tancred, a devoted member of the Rotary Club said the youth exchange program has profound impacts.

“Rotary youth exchange is a fantastic opportunity for students to develop lifelong friendships with other students and their host families,“ he said.

“Students learn a new language, discover another culture, and truly become global citizens.”

There is a ripple effect that is made by the exchange programs, with students often retiring to reciprocate the hospitality they once received.

“The Youth Exchange program certainly helps build international understanding and peace throughout the world,“ Tancred said.

The Stanthorpe Rotary Club remains committed to its emphasis on cultivating global understanding, creating opportunities for personal growth, and fostering connections that transcend borders.