Harmony Week

It’s Harmony Week, and I’m happily gathering together ideas and things towards participating in this week’s Stanthorpe QCWA Floral Art Competition.
Mindful that harmony is such an important part in every aspect of all these portrayals, active in such a way seems a beautifully timely recognition in this especially allocated week!
In community affairs, many are rejoicing in the distinct harmony which the recent  events – floods, cyclone, earthquake and so on –  have brought to the fore! People meeting people…with open hearts, and willing hands…teaming together in the restoration and renewal processes.
Music to the ears!
“Harmony in man is as beautiful as in music, and discord is unnatural, unreal.” So reads page 304:20 of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. Mary Baker Eddy, the author, honoured in the Australian Magazine Millennium Women feature, in which  “a list of 100 international exceptional women” were documented, was a pioneer in the mind–body connection and spiritual health care. Founder of Christian Science, her healing system brings harmony to many and continues to have widespread influence.  www.spirituality.com
Eunice Marsden, Stanthorpe