Limiting the power of our Parliaments

We must ask: do we or do we not have a valid constitution? If the answer is No, then we do not have a valid or legal Government.
Do we or do we not operate under a true democratic system where the people are the sovereign government who elect members of their communities to sit in parliament and represent ‘the will of the people’?
We must alert the sovereign people of this nation to their true power and responsibilities under a democracy and return our representatives to just that, “Our Representatives”.
It has become painfully obvious we cannot rely on the main-stream media to do this so it will fall to concerned citizens who have comprehensive networks through their computer systems.
The power of the State must be limited in what it can and cannot do to the sovereign people of this Nation. Otherwise, unscrupulous actions will be foisted on us time and again while we watch in helpless wonderment. The People must make politicians accountable. We must limit the power of our parliaments with respect to their ability to erode our common law rights – in particular our property rights.
Common Law is applicable in all times and places; it is not geographically constrained to a particular culture, religion or people, or limited to a set time or era. We have watched our common law rights being illegally denied by unthinking and unrepresentative modern politicians.
The whole carbon pollution scam, from the native vegetation laws to Al Gore’s film and all in between, was based on deception and a hypothesis or pseudo-science specifically designed to panic the population into agreeing with whatever proposal was put forward to save them.
The recent case brought to public attention by the bravery of land owner Peter Spencer shows the amount of deception and chicanery our “People’s Representatives” will resort to. Peter was denied both his constitutional and common law rights and was deprived the use of his property in a tyrannical manner by those supposedly representing his interests.
Ray Gorton