Letters to the editor: Mayor supporting turbines

Mayor supporting turbines (WST 11/07):

An article in last week’s Today showed that Southern Downs Mayor Melissa Hamilton is a supporter of the current government’s pursuit of the expansion of wind turbines and solar farms.

Recent public meetings in Allora and Greymare have shown that local residents are overwhelmingly opposed to any establishment of such in their area.

Mention in the article of a petition to protect the Southern Downs from the establishment of any of this type of material has already received more than 2000 signatures.

Mayor Hamilton notices that the petition is open for all Queensland residents, but you would have to assume that the vast majority of the 2000 signatures came from the Granite Belt.

A quote is made from a letter to the newspaper in June from Jamie McDonald questioning the necessary cost of the infrastructure if we were to move such projects further west.

Mr MacDonald’s question highlights the very problem with any such renewables; the present infrastructure servicing power to the community will not accommodate any of these new structures, no matter where they are placed.

This means that the infrastructure that will have to be established to service these wonderful new projects will cost money, a lot of money, and will have to traverse across people’s private property.

Mayor Hamilton is quoted saying “I will be a strong advocate at regional and state levels to ensure that the voice of our community is heard”.

What this means to me is that Mayor Hamilton must heed the voices and wishes of the people at Allora and Greymare, and the many signatures on the aforementioned petition.

This is after all what James Lister MP is doing when he heeds the voices of his constituents.

I would say to Mayor Hamilton, if you intend to support the policies of Messrs Albanese, Bowen and Miles, be up front about it and give it your best shot. In the case of Mr Miles, you’ve only got about three months left.

Bruce Wilkinson, Warwick.

Heartfelt thanks (WST 04/07):

To first responders, ambulance officers and Warwick Hospital ED doctors and nurses; everyone that makes it all work.

I would love to thank everybody for all that you do for Warwick and the surrounding areas.

You work long shifts but yet you still put on a positive smile.

I have had to use the above to help me in the last year with underlying health issues.

You are all angels, thank you!

Aaron Wotton, Tannymorel.

Our mission to help (WST 04/07):

On behalf of the Southern Down Refugee and Migrant Network I’d like to thank Warwick Stanthorpe Today for its support of our mission to help refugees.

Our Refugee Week 16-22 (June) screening of the Ken Loach film, The Old Oak, was well attended and donations were generous.

I’d also like to acknowledge peoplefrom Warwick, Stanthorpe and surrounding districts for supporting the Southern Downs Welcome Circle’s sponsorship of Warwick’s refugee family.

The family recently celebrated their first year in Australia and now call Warwick home.

Bob Wilson, SDRAMN President.