The continuing wet weather forced the postponement of the District Pairs event at the Summit Bowls club last Saturday. The game has been rescheduled for this Saturday at the Southern Cross Club. It is important that all skips phone Lew Breen to confirm your availability!

Despite the persistent drizzle, several stalwarts had a shootout on the Summit green on Saturday afternoon.

In the coming weeks there are several special events on the horizon at the Summit.

On Friday the club is holding a smorgasbord evening from 5pm. Cost is $20 per head. (Children under 8yrs – $5).

You can go along and enjoy a game of Twilight Bowls (sponsored by The Vines Motel) at 4.30pm, then stay for the Smorgasbord.

The Summit will be in full swing the following week, with a “Rock & Roll Night”.