Noela and Mavis pair champs

Mavis Simpson (top centre) and Noela Collins (bottom centre) are about to start play against Leanne Munson and Jenny Smith. (Supplied).

Dealer: E Vul: N/S


♠ Q984

♥ K732

♦ Q862

♣ A


♠ K5 ♠ AJ76

♥ AJ5 ♥ Q8

♦ AJ954 ♦ 73

♣ Q84 ♣ KJ972


♠ 1032

♥ 10964

♦ K10

♣ 10653

The Pairs Champions for 2024 are Noela Collins and Mavis Simpson, whose score of 71 per cent in round two placed them well ahead of the field. On Board 2 (above) from last Monday they were the only pair to bid and make 3NT, with West as declarer.

The accepted method of playing in a no-trump contract is, after seeing dummy (your partner’s hand) displayed on the table, to count the number of top tricks you can see. You then identify which suit will provide the extra tricks needed. When you hold eight top tricks and simply need to force out an Ace or King held by your opponents, the task is relatively simple. On this board declarer has only four certain winners: three Aces and the King of spades. This figure increases to five when dummy’s Queen of hearts wins the heart lead. It seems obvious to choose clubs as the source of the four additional tricks needed. The two of clubs goes to South’s three, West’s Queen and North’s Ace. Everything appears to be going according to plan, but there is an unwelcome surprise waiting for declarer. North now does best to lead a deceptive nine of spades, which can be won by West’s King. When declarer leads the eight of clubs North shows out. Declarer still has sufficient control to concede a club trick to South in order to set up a a third trick in clubs. Diamonds can be played for two tricks while losing one and there is still the finesse of the Jack of spades to be taken. Mavis (declarer) lost only three tricks for a score of 430, which was the best for this board.

Scores, Monday, 22/07/24 (3 & ½-table Howell Rd 2 Pairs Championship): N. Collins M. Simpson (71.9) 1; W. Milne J. Sipple (58.3) 2; N. Bonnell T. Hinde (56.2) 3. Overall: M. Collins M. Simpson 1; N. Bonnell T. Hinde 2. Friday, 26/07/24 (4-table Mitchell): N/S P. Kelly M. Simpson (55.4) 1; T. Hinde J. Mobbs (53.0)2. E/W D. Moran N. McGinness (63.7) 1; S. Head L. Don (61.3) 2.