Warwick Shave for a Cure sets sights high

Warwick local Mike Keim is calling on Southern Downs residents to join the battle against leukaemia this Saturday at Rose City Shopping World.

Mr Kiem will MC the World’s Greatest Shave for a Cure event, which starts at 9am.

Plenty of punters are expected to turn out to shave, colour or clip their hair for the good cause, which last year raised $15,000 in Warwick.

Mr Keim knows firsthand the struggles of living with leukaemia after he was diagnosed with chronic lymphatic leukaemia in 2004.

But last week, during a routine hospital visit, Mr Keim and his wife Ros were given some good news.

“I’ve been given some positive results and I am now in remission,” he said.

Throughout more than nine years of battling the disease, Mr Keim said he approached the radiation and chemotherapy sessions with a positive attitude and jovial outlook.

“After the chemo I would usually have about a week off and then it was straight back into work,” he said.

“I think working helped keep me occupied and it also kept me strong enough to handle each session.”

The Leukeamia Foundation was also able to help Mr Keim with accommodation during a long hospital visit in Brisbane.

“I was going through a particularly long session of treatment and the Leukeamia Foundation was able to pay for accommodation within walking distance of the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital,” he said.

Mr Keim said all money raised for the Leukeamia Foundation goes directly back into either research towards a cure, or to assist those with accommodation and patient care needs.

Darling Downs and South West Queensland residents can be brave and shave, wax or colour their hair or simply join in the fun and support those who do.

For further details or to make a donation, please visit www.worldsgreatestshave.com