Warwick students take stand against bullying

By Jonathon Howard


Warwick West State School students took a stance against bullying last Friday, March 15, and were joined by Member for Southern Downs and Minister for Health, Lawrence Springborg.

In keeping with this year’s theme “Take a Stand Together”, students vowed to join forces in a push to reduce the torment on school grounds.

Mr Springborg attended the school’s special assembly where students presented an anti-bullying video and named the school’s new captains, and house captains.

“WWSS principal Jason Callcott said

his year seven student school

captains and fellow students made the video to help deliver the anti-bullying message.”

He said the aim of the movie was to explore the feelings around bullying and try to put the students in the shoes of a bully’s victim.

“Basically, they had to think about how you would feel if you were being bullied, the types of emotions someone who’s being bullied would feel,” he said.

“Then they had to act out how they would be feeling if they were being bullied and then the positive emotions of how they’d feel if they weren’t being bullied at school.”