Rain on sheep sales

Rainfall in the local and further districts saw a smaller yarding for the weekly Sheep and Lamb sale, with the total number reaching 1332 head. The market was firm to dearer in the light end, with the better trade and export stock dearer than last weeks results. Lambs topped at $230 to av $148.71 ($24/head up), Hoggets topped at $161 to av $123.15 ($50/head up), Lamb rams topped at $158 to av $112.20 ($30/head up), Ewes topped at $100 to av $63.16($0 rise/head), Wethers topped at $110 to av $79.48($26/head up), Rams topped at $78 to av $51.22($4/head down). The sale average for the 1332 head was $138.16 a jump of $43/head week on week.

Andrew Finlay sold Aussie white x lambs 54.5kg to Thomas Foods International for $192, 53.2kg to Thomas Foods for $180, Hoggets 54.5kg to restockers for $161

John & Regina Henry sold Dorper lambs 53kg to Thomas Foods for $194

Widgeegoera Past Co sold Dorper lambs 50kg to GR Prime for $181, 46.75kg to GR Prime for $163, 46.2kg to Jock Young Meats for $183, hoggets 51kg to Taylor Meats for $142, 48.6kg to GR Prime for $144

Justin & Carla Dillon sold Dorper lambs 51kg to GR Prime for $185

Drew Wilson sold Dorper lambs 51.6kg to Take IT Easy Meats for $185, 43.7kg to restockers for $144, 35kg to GR Prime for $84, 760kg wethers to Eversons for $103, Ewes 76kg to restockers for $100

Matthew Payne sold Dorper x sucker lambs 44kg to Mc Mahon Bros for $165

Shelley F/T sold Xbred lambs 63kg to Eversons for $230, 56kg to Take IT Easy Meats for $199, 50kg Aussie White lambs to Mc Intyre Meats for $165 49.3kg to Take IT Easy Meats for $170, 46.5kg Aussie White lambs to Mc Intyre Meats for $139, 46.6kg to Take IT Easy Meats for $150

Andrew Dowey sold Dorper x lambs 35.6kg to Eversons for $73, ram lambs 35kg to Whites Trading for $53, Hoggets 39.5kg to GR Prime for $70