Torbay thanks the Tablelands for strong support in Saturday’s poll

MP Richard Torbay has thanked the people of the Northern Tablelands for their tremendous support which has returned him to the new parliament as their representative.
“I spent the day around the electorate and was overwhelmed by the good will and good wishes I received everywhere,” he said.
“It is that response and that strong support which motivates me to continue with the same enthusiasm to represent our electorate for a fourth term.”
Mr Torbay, who was returned with a 70 per cent majority, said the perceived conduct of the federal Independents had been a major factor in the election result in regional areas.
He thanked the 500 volunteers who worked at polling booths and behind the scenes on his behalf.
“They are the loyal troopers and I am so grateful to them and to my family and staff for this support,” he said.
“One great lesson you learn from politics is that it is all about the people and that you can only be effective when they are behind you and backing your representation.
“That was evident yesterday (Saturday) and I am looking forward to continuing to work with the communities of the Northern Tablelands on their issues and priorities.”
The MP said he had developed a strong working relationship with the Premier Barry O’Farrell and his Coalition team.
“I congratulate Barry and the Coalition for their decisive win yesterday (Saturday),” he said. “It sent out a strong message that people want a change and want to see a much more positive and constructive approach to the management of the State economy, particularly its services and infrastructure.
“I will be meeting with them as soon as possible to ensure our region gets its fair share and will be reminding the new government that there are still a number of recommendations from the Rural and Regional Taskforce on the table for implementation.”