Heavy dearer and lighter cheaper

Agents and vendors combined today to present 2130 head of sheep and lambs to the local and export markets. The split between lambs/hoggets to mutton was a 70/30 split. The good heavy and trade lambs were a bit dearer and the light weight lambs were slightly cheaper except for the lambs straight off the ewes. Mutton was in the same fold as the lambs the heavy end was firm and the lighter end was just off the boil. Hoggets with weight and finish were firm to dearer with the lighter cheaper. Rams made a few statements today with some ex stud Dorper rams selling to $350. The total yarding of 2130 head averaged $125.56 a rise of $3/head week on week.

Will Bazley & Vanessa Mc Donald sold Dorset x lambs off grain 53kg to Eversons for $202 and $200, 48.2kg to GR Prime for $191, Dorper lambs 41.75kg to Sommerville Meats and Take IT Easy Meats for $190

Sally Cadalora sold Aussie White ewe lambs 46.1kg to restockers for $187, 44.2kg to Mc Mahon Bros for $166

Ennismore Farming sold Xbred lambs in the wool 54.6kg to Take IT Easy Meats for $214

David Lindsay sold Xb lambs off the ewes 56.6 to Eversons for $227, 50kg to GR Prime for $193, ewes to Eversons for $67

Nic Nimac sold Dorper x lambs 51kg to Eversons for $167, 68.3kg ram lambs to Take IT Easy Meats for $155, 35kg lambs to restockers for $81.

Shelley F/T sold Xbred lambs off grain 62.3kg to Eversons for $228, 54.1kg to Take IT Easy Meats for $199, 52.1kg to Eversons for $176, hoggets 53.5kg to restockers for $158 and $156

Stuart Timms sold Dorper rams ex stud to restockers for $350

Bailey Scaresbrook sold his first lot of lambs today and sold 39kg Dorper x lambs to GR Prime for $120, 41.5kg Xbred lambs for to GR Prime for $111

Justin & Carla Dillon sold Dorper lambs shorn 50.3kg to GR Prime for $199, hoggets 62.2kg to GR Prime for $160

Brad Bull sold Dorper wethers to Thomas Foods for $75, to restockers for $67, hoggets 40kg to restockers for $71