Rewarded for accurate bidding and play

Clockwise: Noela Collins, Leanne Munson, Mavis Simpson, Jenny Smith play an interesting game. (Supplied)

Dealer: S Vul: Both


♠ J942

♥ AQ1082

♦ Q7

♣ 102


♠ Q653 ♠ A

♥ 4 ♥ KJ73

♦ 8643 ♦ A10952

♣ AK53 ♣ QJ7


♠ K1087

♥ 985

♦ KJ

♣ 9864

Last week you read about the importance of bidding and playing at a high enough level to earn bonus points. In last Monday’s game, on their way to the top local score in a heat of the Australia-Wide Pairs, Noela Collins and Mavis provided an example of the earned reward for accurate bidding and play. On Board 23 (above) they bid and made 3NT, for a score of 600, which was well ahead of the next highest score of 150.

The bidding system used by Mavis and Noela allowed them to show their four-card suits in hearts and spades and to settle on the best contract. The only other pair to bid 3NT failed by one trick, possibly because they failed to make the most of their diamonds. Mavis (declarer) received the lead of the four of spades, which was won perforce by dummy. Mavis would no doubt have followed best practice and counted the number of tricks that could be made without losing the lead. This came to just six: four clubs and two other Aces. There was now no real choice but to attack the diamonds, hoping that North and South held two diamonds each. Lo and behold, after the Ace and a small diamond had been led from dummy, North/South’s three honour cards could win only one trick. From there it was plain sailing, with four diamond tricks and four clubs to go with the Ace of spades and the possibility of an additional trick in hearts or spades.

Results: Monday, 23/08/24 (6-table Mitchell); N/S R. Hart H. Price (58.0) 1; J. Nankervis P. Kelly (55.3) 2; J. Mobbs s. Goddard (50.3) 3. E.W N. Collins M. Simpson (66.7) 1; L. Don D. Moran (53.0) 2; P. Campbell T. Hinde (52.3) 3. Friday, 30/08/24 (5 & !/2-table Mitchell): N/S J. Smith R. Hart (62.5) 1; L. James S. Head (57.5) 2; N. Collins M. Simpson (51.7) 3. E/W W. Milne J. Sipple (66.0) 1; D. Moran N. McGinness (62.0) 2; N. Bonnell V. Prentice (55.5) 3.