Mayor calls for advance on disaster recovery funding

Southern Downs Mayor Ron Bellingham has welcomed assurances from the Federal Government of $50 million in upfront flood payments for
local governments in Queensland.
“We’ve been spending money on flood damaged infrastructure since January, and an advance payment of the NDRRA (Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements) monies would be very helpful to this community,” Cr Bellingham said.
“We now expect to get a cash advance to assist with payment for works already completed and works still being carried out, just as other councils have.
“We understand that South Burnett and Lockyer Valley councils have already received their advance money.”
Director of Engineering Services Peter See said that this would be a cash advance on the total damage bill, which is currently being determined by contractors and council staff.
“So far we’ve examined 57 per cent of our infrastructure and picked up 5000 defects caused by the floods,” Mr See said.
“We’ll continue that work over the coming month and repairs to each defect will then be costed to get a total damage bill.”
Minister Assisting the Attorney-General on Flood recovery, Joe Ludwig, earlier this week promised the $50 million advance payment.
“The Australian and Queensland Governments have contributed an upfront payment of $50 million as a first instalment to help local governments with the costs of important clean-up and repair work in response to these events,’’ Senator Ludwig said.
Cr Bellingham said that Senator Ludwig has left the door open for more funding to be considered if the existing package is unable to be applied in all circumstances.
This funding is part of the $315 million Queensland Local Council Package to help Queensland’s local councils repair utilities and infrastructure damaged by the recent natural disasters.
The funding will be made available through the Queensland Reconstruction Authority, to ensure funds are targeted in a coordinated manner, based on local needs and capacity.