Plans to transform Granite Belt vineyard boosted

Plans to transform St Judes Vineyard into one of the region's leading tourist destinations have taken a giant leap forward.

By Jeremy Cook

Big plans to transform a Ballandean vineyard into a luxury year-round food, wine and accommodation experience have taken another step forward with a major funding boost.

St Judes Estate were among the four successful projects to benefit from the Queensland government’s latest round of growing future tourism grants worth up to $4 million each.

Its owners, who also own the neighbouring Ballandean Pub, hope to convert the vineyard into one of the Granite Belt’s leading tourism destinations. Current plans include the development of 16 eco tents, a fine dining restaurant, several picnic spots as well as a pool and day spa.

Plans to build a winery and ancillary cellar door have also been drawn up and will support production of the vineyard’s new wine label.

Tourism Minister Michael Healy said the four successfully funded projects were estimated to attract a combined 95,000 extra visitors to Queensland each year.

The projects formed part of the state’s “ambitious target of doubling visitor expenditure to more than $44 billion per year within the decade,” Mr Healy said.