Convent school reunion

Convent of Our Lady of the Assumption, Warwick, day and boarding school.

In the year 1967, on 23 September, The Warwick Daily News published the interesting account of the School Reunion that will break all records and gives the following account:

“Over 400 past pupils of the Warwick Convent of the Assumption will travel from near and far in response to an invitation from the Superior, Mother Ancia, and the Sisters of Mercy to attend a grand reunion dinner tonight, a special Mass, tomorrow morning followed by morning tea and an annual meeting.

A past students’ association was formed nine years ago, with Mrs. Betty Walsh as president, and each year since an annual dinner, at which between 60 and 80 members attended. The reunions have been most enjoyable, but this year, with the enthusiastic encouragement of the Parish Administrator, the Very Rev. M. Mahon, it was decided the function would be organised by Mother Ancilla and the Sisters.

It was with trepidation that they approached the task, but once committed, they dealt with it in a highly efficient and businesslike manner-far different from what the lay person expects from such cloistered people.

There are no records of past pupils, so they appealed to everyone in the district to submit lists. The response was not only amazing, but most enlightening. One past pupil who left the Convent in 1900 sent in not only the maiden names, but most of the married names of those who were at school with her, also the names of the staff sisters. What long memories have Miss Maggie Fitzpatrick, Mrs. Ashley Bradford, of Yangan, and Miss Honor O’Dea, who were also helpful with a way-back record of pupils.

Something the Sisters particularly loved was, apart from the fact they received over 40 acceptances, on “chatty” letters which came in reply, many from “old girls” who were at the Convent long before their own time.

Precedents are being set in many ways tonight. Dining with the past students for first time will be the Mother Superior, the Sisters and also this year’s Senior students, who will be eligible next year to join the C.H.S.P.S.A.

Another feature will be the “waitresses” — Sub-Senior girls wearing attractive aprons and caps in the school’s colours of green red and gold. This colour scheme has been followed in the choice of striped serviettes and on the name stages and decorations arranged by Margaret O’Kane.

A hot meal is planned and the catering arrangements are in the capable hands of Sister Bridget Mary, who recently attended a catering seminar at Newman college, in the University of Melbourne, assisted by Sister Anastasia Mary, who is in charge of the Convent domestic department. They will be assisted by a number of members of the P.S.A.”