Firearms amnesty to expire

POLICE Minister Jack Dempsey has warned all Queenslanders the deadline to hand in or register any unregistered firearms is rapidly approaching.
Mr Dempsey said those wishing to take advantage of the amnesty had little more than a week before the reprieve expired on 30 April.
“Queenslanders have responded outstandingly with more than 5340 firearms registered and more than 1670 surrendered,” Mr Dempsey said.
“The response to the amnesty so far has been extremely encouraging, but I would like to remind all Queenslanders not much time is left before the amnesty comes to an end.
“The amnesty gives people wishing to comply with the law the chance to register or surrender any unregistered firearms they may have in their possession.
“The Newman Government will not tolerate those who use firearms to carry out crimes, which is why tough mandatory minimum sentences for illegal use of firearms offences were introduced earlier this year.”
Queensland Police Service Weapons Amnesty Liaison Officer Inspector Steve Kersley said until 30 April, appropriately licensed members of the public could still register previously unregistered firearms through firearms dealers, firearms sporting clubs as well as police stations.
A Firearms Amnesty Information Line was established to assist with amnesty inquiries (1300 833 548).  The number is operational until 30 April, Monday to Friday from 10am to 6pm.
For more information, call the Firearms Amnesty Information Line on 1300 833 548 or email: