Invitation to SLADE public meeting

We live in an age where many are disillusioned with the political process, disengaged and frustrated.  People believe they can’t make a difference and the control of their destiny is in other hands – the hands of big business, powerful politicians, and media moguls. To some extent this is practically true, however it is possible and absolutely necessary to change this.
“Actions by individuals are not sufficient to restore community, but they are necessary” – Robert Putnam 2000
One of the things we aim to do with the Slade campaign is to demonstrate that it is possible for local community members to make a difference in their own place. Slade can become a rallying place for the Southern Downs community, a place where people can focus their attention and their efforts and make a significant difference.
It is an appropriate beginning for growth in community engagement as it already has value for the community and it is easy to see a future where Slade can play a major role in the future of the Southern Downs community. The very process of engaging community on the issue is creating social capital and empowering people at all levels of the process and the discussion.
Building social capital, developing a community precinct and enabling the community to control the process will make an enormous contribution to the development of a strong, resilient local community and economy. As we move into uncertain times globally in financial, social and climatic terms strong, resilient communities will become more important
Paul Hawken in a wonderful book called “Blessed Unrest” talks about a global movement of  blessed unrest  that is now reaching unsurpassed proportions. People are ready for change and are making change all over the globe. It is exciting to be playing a part, albeit very small, in this process.
Anyone interested in becoming part of this process of community engagement is welcome to come to a public meeting this Sunday at Slade Hall at 5pm.
Ian Perkins,
Slade Lives Again – Development for Everyone president