Pet care crucial in cold


CAPTION: Humans are not the only ones that can feel under the weather during cool months.

AS Southern Downs residents prepare for a potentially serious flu season, they aren’t the only ones who may be feeling under the weather this winter.
The winter months are the most common for sickness in animals and veterinary experts are urging pet owners to take some basic precautions.
BVSC animal hospital founder and leading veterinarian Dr Rod Straw said the potential health risks posed by cold temperatures were often overlooked by pet owners.
“Like us, animals are accustomed to indoor shelter and the warmth it brings, leaving them outside or not equipping them for low temperatures can lead to serious illness.
“Hypothermia can easily occur when an animal’s body temperature falls below normal,” Dr Straw said.
“Pet owners should constantly check that pets are warm and not shivering and aren’t showing signs of heavy breathing, depression, lethargy or weakness.
“Arthritis is another common problem in the colder months and can be found not only in older animals but in young pets as well.
“A decrease in exercise combined with cold, damp weather aggravates arthritic joints,” Dr Straw said.
Dr Straw has five tips for pet owners this winter:
Cover Up: For short haired or coarse haired animals, buy a coat or blanket for them to use in the colder months.
Create a Den: Make a quiet, cosy ‘den’ for your pets comprised of blankets and soft, warm pillows. Dogs prefer to be close to humans, behind a couch or next to a bed; whereas cats like to be on high surfaces, on a stable chest of drawers or desk. Cages should be covered with a blanket or towel for smaller animals.
Drive Carefully: Check underneath the hood or vehicle before starting the engine and honk the horn to be sure no animals are curled up around the engine to stay warm.
Remember Hydration: Pets are just as likely to dehydrate in winter as in summer, so make sure that they are regularly given new water.
Keep Heat Out of Reach: Make sure that fires and portable heaters are screened or out of reach of animals as these can severely burn pets.