Treat learner drivers with respect: Lobley

Local driving instructor Gail Lobley is fed up with the way learner drivers are treated on our roads.
Mrs Lobley said the behaviour of some drivers was resulting in low self-confidence in learners, even to the point where some were giving up learning this important life skill.
“They are learning to drive and to use a car. I just want people to give learners a fair go. You’re setting an example for them,” she said.
“I’m finding Warwick is getting less tolerant for learners.”
Mrs Lobley said some drivers were driving too
close to other vehicles, not using their indicators
properly and were trying unnecessarily to beat learner drivers, putting road users at risk.
“There’s probably not a day that goes by when we don’t encounter a stupid driver.
“Remember these students know more of the rules, since they are just learning them,” she said.