Surge in cost of living


SOUTHERN Downs household budgets were in the firing line this week with the State Government announcing a raft of cost increases designed to address debt levels.
Shadow Treasurer Curtis Pitt said despite the Premier’s “on-the-record” commitment to lower the cost of living, Queensland families would from this week be paying more for electricity, rates, tolls and government services.
“This is a government that went to an election promising to address the cost of living and making wild commitments to lower charges for the things that families and households cannot function without – things like electricity,” Mr Pitt said.
“The Premier and the Treasurer and their government have broken that promise, pure and simple.
“They have failed in their fundamental commitment and today every Queensland mum and dad, every Queensland family will have their household budget hammered.
“It was Campbell Newman who said he’d lower power bills. He’s broken that promise.
“It was Tim Nicholls who said there’d be no tax increases in the 2013 budget. He’s broken that promise.
“Everywhere I go Queenslanders are telling me that they didn’t vote for Campbell Newman’s broken promises on the cost of living.”


Cost increases would include:
– The average electricity bill will increase by up 22.6 per cent – or about $267 a year;
– Council rates will rise $45 a year;
– State Government department fees and charges will increase by up to 3.5 per cent; and
– Tolls on Clem7, GoBetween Bridge, Gateway Bridge, Logan Motorway will increase.