Say no to the carbon tax

For all of you who think that the proposed carbon (dioxide) tax is such a good thing, and those of you that don’t know one way or another, please consider the following.
The proposal is only on the table because of the Greens and Bob Brown, and only because Gillard will get into bed with anyone to cling to power.
Consider also that, apart from the fact that all plants need Carbon Dioxide to survive, and yes, that includes your vegies, and any reduction in emissions that the tax will cause, will make so little difference to atmospheric conditions as to be totally ineffective.
The tax will also force up the price of EVERYTHING you buy. Yes, everything!  If you think for one minute that any compensation from Gillard will cover the cost of living increase, think again. There is no mention about the price increase in the price of motor cars, whitegoods, TVs, tools, and the list goes on and on. Why? Because we export the raw materials to the likes of China, and the price to them has to go up. This in turn makes the price of goods that we import from them dearer.
Please also consider the effect on local manufacturers who, at this time, are just holding their own against imports. With this pernicious tax imposed on them, so many will go to the wall, along with their suppliers, with the subsequent unemployment that will bring. You want your sons and daughters not to have jobs to go to?
It would seem that Gillard and Brown are hell bent on bringing this country to its knees.
Why? Think socialism.
The time for apathy is over. It is time for action.
I urge any of you that think this is the wrong tax for the wrong time, to please bombard the offices of Gillard and Brown, and your state and federal members, with emails, snail mail or faxes expressing your disapproval.
And before you ask, no, I am not a member of a political party. I am just someone who is scared stiff about where these people are taking us.

David Hill,
The Summit