Tackling health, stress issues

THE Border Landcare Organic Group will tackle health management, stress and nutrition during a workshop this Saturday, 27 July.
Two local health practitioners will be giving advice on how to best look after ourselves.
Helen Ferrier, a qualified health professional, will be talking about and demonstrating techniques for managing stress and what you can do to prevent illness and live a healthy life.
Naturopath Anne-Marie McDonald will be speaking about how people can affect their health through nutrition, discussing what is good and bad food and whether we should take supplements, minerals and microbes.
The event is at the Anglican Church Hall in Corundum Street, Stanthorpe, there is no charge and all visitors are most welcome.
The day will start at 10am with tea and coffee provided and the talks starting at 11am and finishing around 12.30pm with lunch. Participants are asked to take a plate to share for lunch.
There will be a bring and buy stall for charity so do take any excess plants or produce to sell.
More information may be found on the BLOG website: www.granitenet.com.au/groups/environment/blog
– Denise Donnellan